M.Sc, (IV Semeter)
UNIT-I Electromagnetic Theory
Maxwell’s equations –General wave equation-Propagation of light in isotropic dielectric medium – dispersion –Propagation of light in conducting medium –Skin depth –Reflection and refraction at the boundary of a dielectric interface-Fresenel’s equations-Propagation of light in crystals – double refraction.
Electromagnetic Radiation –Retarded Potentials –Radiation from an Oscillating dipole –Linear Antenna –Lienard-Wiechert Potentials.
UNIT-II Lasers
Lasers: Introduction – directionality- brightness- monochromacity- coherence – relation between the coherence of the field and the size of the source – absorption and emission processes - the Einstein coefficients - amplification in a medium- laser pumping Boltzman’s principle and the population of energy levels – attainment of population inversion - two level – three level and four level pumping . Optical feedback: the optical resonator laser power and threshold condition confinement of beam within the resonator – stability condition.
Laser output: Absorption and emission - shape and width of broadening lines – line broadening mechanisms – natural, collision and Doppler broadening.
Types of Lasers: Ruby laser, He-Ne Laser, CO2 laser, Semiconductor GaAs laser, applications of lasers.
UNIT –III Non linear Optics and Holography
Basic Principles- Harmonic generation – Second harmonic generation- Phase matching –Third Harmonic generation-Optical mixing –Parametric generation of light –Parametric light oscillator-Frequency up conversion-Self focusing of light.
Introduction to Holography-Basic theory of Holography-Recording and reconstruction of Hologram-Diffuse object illumination-Speckle pattern –Fourier transform Holography-Applications of Holography.
UNIT-IV Fiber Optics
Fiber Optics : Introduction – total internal refraction –optical fiber modes and configurations- fiber types – rays and modes- Step index fiber structures – ray optics representation – wave representation – Mode theory for circular wave guides- wave guide equations – wave equations for step indexed fibers – modal equation – modes in step indexed fibers – power flow in step indexed fibers . Graded indexed fiber structure : Structure – Numerical aperture and modes in graded index fibers- Signal degradation in optical fibers – attenuation – losses – absorptive scattering – and radiative – core cladding – Signal distortion in optical wave guides – Information capacity determination – Group delay – Material dispersion – wave guide dispersion – inter modal dispersion – pulse broadening . Preparation of different techniques of optical fibers
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Electrodynamics , D.J.Griffiths, Prentice-Hall, India
2. Electromagnetics, B.B.Laud, Wiley –Eastern, New Delhi.
3. Modern Optics, Fowels
4. Laser and their applications, M.J.Beesly, Taylor and Francis, 1976.
5. Laser and Non-Linear Optics, B.B.Laud, Wiley Eastern Ltd.,1983.
6. Optics , E.Hecht, Addison Wiley, 1974.
7. Optical fibers communications, Gerel Keiser, McGraw Hill Book, 2000.
NOTE : Question paper contains 5 questions. FOUR questions with internal choice have to be set from each unit. The 5thquestion has 4 short answers question covering units I to IV and any two be answered.
M.Sc (IV Semester)
Paper-II Molecular and Solid State Spectroscopy
Molecular States : Molecular Quantum numbers and classification of electronic states. Hund’s coupling cases ‘a’ and ‘b’. Symmetry adapted linear combination (SALC) of atomic orbitals of individual atoms and the resulting molecular orbitals, electronic configuration and ground states of linear molecules H2 , C2 , N2 ,O2 and CO2 and non-linear molecules H2CO and H2O . Symmetry properties of electronic and rotational levels. ( Ch. 6.2, 6.3 )
ROTATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY: Microwave spectrum of a diatomic molecule. Rigid
rotator and non-rigid rotator approximations. The effect of isotopic substitution. Vibrational satellites . Moment of Inertia and bond lengths of diatomic and linear triatomic molecule. Quantum theory and mechanism of Raman scattering. Rotational Raman spectra. Symmetry properties of rotational levels of 1S states. Influence of nuclear spin and statistical weights on pure rotational Raman spectra of CO2 , O2 , H2, D2 .(Ch. 1.3, 4.2, 4.4, 4.8)
VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY: The vibrating-rotating diatomic molecule. Harmonic and anharmonic oscillator energy levels. Evaluation of rotational constants from Infrared spectra .Evaluation of rotational constants from Raman vibration–rotation spectra. Vibrational modes of CO2 and the influence of nuclear spin on Infrared and Raman vibration-rotation spectrum of CO2. (Ch. 5.1, 5.2.4)
MOLECULAR VIBRATIONS: C2v and C3v Character tables from the properties of irreducible representations. Relationship between reducible and irreducible representations. C2V character table: Symmetry types of translational, rotational and binary products. Reducible representation, vibrational modes and their activity (allowed and forbidden fundamentals, overtones and combination bands in IR and Raman) of H2O, NH3, and formaldehyde molecules.
Vibrational analysis of an electronic band system of a diatomic molecule. Progressions and sequences. Deslandres table and vibrational constants. Isotope effect in vibrational spectra and its applications.
Rotational analysis: Selection rules and rotational fine structure of vibronic transistions. The fortrat diagram and the band head. Combination relations and evaluation of rotational constants for bands (1S - 1S ) having only P and R branches. Ch. 6.2.
NMR Theory, Basic Principles, Nuclear spin and Magnetic moment, Relaxation mechanism, spin lattice and spin-spin relaxation(12) times by pulse methods, Bloch’s equations and solutions of Bloch’s equations – Experimental methods, CW NMR Spectrometer.
Electron Spin Resonance – The ESR spectrometer, experimental methods, thermal equilibrium and Relaxation methods, characteristics of g and A values, Unpaired electron, fine structure and Hyperfine structure
Nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) spectroscopy, The fundamental requirements of NQR spectroscopy, General principles, Integral spins and Half Integral Spin., experimental detection of NQR frequencies, block diagram of NQR spectrometer, Experimental methods of SR oscillator, CW oscillator, pulse methods.
Mossbauer spectroscopy: The Mossbauer Effect, Recoil less Emission and Absorption, The Mossbauer spectrometer, Experimental Methods, Chemical shift, Magnetic Hyperfine interactions.
Photo Electron Spectroscopy, its theory, instrumentation and Applications.
High resolution Spectroscopy (Butterworths) J.M.Hollas.
Molecular spectra and Molecular Structure (van Nostrand) – G.Herzberg
Introduction to atomic spectra – H.E. White(T)
Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy – C.B.Banwell (T)
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance By E R Andrew, Cambridge University Press 1955
Spectroscopy by B.P. Stranghon and S.Walker Volume 1 John Wiley and Sons Inc.,
New York, 1976
Pulse and Fourier transform NMR by TC farrar and ED Becker, Academic Press 1971
Mossbauer Spectroscopy – M.B. Bhide.
NOTE : Question paper contains 5 questions. FOUR questions with internal choice have to be set from each unit. The 5thquestion has 4 short answers question covering units I to IV and any two be answered.
M.Sc,.(IV Semester)
Paper-III Condensed Matter Physics-III
Classification of Materials: Types of materials, Metals, Ceramics (Sand glasses) polymers, composites, semiconductors.
Metals and alloys: Phase diagrams of single component, binary and ternary systems, diffusion, nucleation and growth. Diffusional and diffusionless transformations. Mechanical properties. Metallic glasses. Preparation, structure and properties like electrical, magnetic, thermal and mechanical, applications.
Glasses : The glass transition - theories for the glass transition, Factors that determine the glass-transition temperature. Glass forming systems and ease of glass formation, preparation of glass materials.
Applications of Glasses: Introduction: Electronic applications, Electrochemical applications, optical applications, Magnetic applications.
Biomaterials - Implant materials: Stainless steels and its alloys, Ti and Ti based alloys, Ceramic implant materials; Hydroxyapatite glass ceramics, Carbon Implant materials, Polymeric Implant materials, Soft tissue replacement implants, Sutures, Surgical tapes and adhesives, heart valve implants, Artificial organs, Hard Tissue replacement Implants, Internal Fracture Fixation Devices, Wires, Pins, and Screws, Fracture Plates.
Liquid Crystals: Mesomorphism of anisotropic systems, Different liquid crystalline phases and phase transitions, Few applications of liquid crystals.
Different types of nano crystalline materials: nano crystalline metals, nano crystalline ceramics, Mesoporous materials, Carbon nanotubes, nano-coatings, zeolites, quantum dot lasers, nano structured magnetic materials; Synthesis of nanomaterials: Vacuum synthesis, sputtering, laser ablation, liquid metal ion sources, Gas-Phase synthesis, condensed-phase synthesis Characterization methods: XRD and TEM, Properties of Nanostructure materials, Electrical and mechanical properties Optical properties by IR and Raman spectroscopy. Applications of nanomaterials
Text books
1 Inorganic solids D. M. Adams (John-Wiley)
2 Physics of Amorphous Materials by S.R.Elliott.
3 Phase transformation in metal and alloys, D. A. Porter and K. E. Easterling
4 Fundamental of thermotropic liquid crystals deJen and Vertogen
5 Nanocrystalline materials- H. Gleiter
6 . Biomaterials Science and Engg. J.B. Park
7. Materials Science and Engg. – C. M. Srivastava
NOTE : Question paper contains 5 questions. FOUR questions with internal choice have to be set from each unit. The 5thquestion has 4 short answers question covering units I to IV and any two be answered.
M.Sc. Physics (IV Semester)
Paper IV : Condensed Matter-IV
Lattice Dynamics and Optical properties of Solids
Inter atomic forces and lattice dynamics of simple metals, ionic and covalent crystals. Optical phonons and dielectric constants. Inelastic neutron scattering. Anhormonicity, thermal expansion and thermal conductivity. Interaction of electrons and phonons with photons., Direct and indirect transitions.
Crystal growth techniques: Bridgeman-Czochralski-liquid encapsulated czochralski (LEC) growth technique-zone refining and floating zone growth-chemical vapour deposition (CVD)-Molecular beam epitaxy(MOVPE)-vapour phase epitaxy-hydrothermal groth-Growth from melt solutions-Flame fusion method.
Absorption in insulators, Polaritons, One – phonon absorption, optical properties of metals, skin effect and anomalous skin effect. Interaction of electrons with acoustic and optical phonons, polarons.
Superconductivity: The Meissner effect –- Isotope effect- specific heat-thermal conductivity and manifestation of energy gap. Quantum tunnelling-Cooper pairing due to phonons, BCS theory of superconductivity, Ginzsburg-Landau theory and application to Josephson effect: d-c Josephson effect, a-c Josephson effect, macroscopic quantum interference. Vortices and type I and type II superconductors, applications of superconductivity-high temperature superconductivity (elementary).
Text and Reference Books
Madelung : Introduction to Solid State Theory.
Callaway : Quantum theory of Solid State.
Huang : Theoretical Solid State Physics
Kittel : Quantum theory of Solids
Solid state Physics by Guptha Kumar and Sarma
Solid State Physics S.O.Pillai New Age International
NOTE : Question paper contains 5 questions. FOUR questions with internal choice have to be set from each unit. The 5thquestion has 4 short answers question covering units I to IV and any two be answered.
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