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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Acharya Nagarjuna University M.Sc III semester syllabus-2010

M.Sc. PHYSICS    (III Semester)
Paper-I  NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS                  

1. INTRODUCTION :                                                                                                              
    Objective of studying  Nuclear Physics, Nomenclature, nuclear radius, mass & Binding energy, angular momentum, magnetic dipole moment, Electric quadrupole moment, parity and symmetry, domains of instability, Energy levels, mirror nuclei.
2.  NUCLEAR  FORCES  :                                                                                                    
     Characteristics of Nuclear Forces- Ground state of  deuteron,  scattering cross-sections,  qualitative discussion of neutron-proton and proton-  proton scattering at low energies- charge independence, spin dependence and charge  symmetry of nuclear forces - exchange forces and tensor forces- Meson theory of nuclear forces( Yukawa’s Potential).
 Weisazacker’s semi-empirical mass formula- mass parabolas- Liquid drop model -Bohr –Wheeler theory of nuclear fission - Nuclear shell model : magic numbers, spin orbit interaction, prediction of angular  momenta and  parities for ground states, Collective  model., More-realistic models        
4  NUCLEAR DECAY:                                                                                                      
       Alpha decay process, Energy release in Beta-decay,  Fermi’s theory of
 b - decay, selection rules, parity violation in b -decay, Detection   and properties of neutrino, energetics of gamma decay,  selection rules, angular correlation,   Mossbauer  effect.
5.   NUCLEAR  REACTIONS  :                                                                 
     Types of reactions and conservation laws, Nuclear kinematics - the Q – equation, threshold energy- Nuclear cross section
      Nuclear fission- energy release in fission- Stability limit against spontaneous fission, Characteristics of fission, delayed neutrons, Nuclear fusion, prospects of continued fusion energy. Four factor formula for controlled fission (nuclear chain reaction)-nuclear reactor- types of reactors.
Classification - Particle interactions and families, symmetries and conservation laws ( energy and momentum, angular momentum, parity, Baryon number, Lepton number, isospin, strangeness quantum number)
Discovery of K-mesons and hyperons ( Gellmann and Nishijima formula) and charm,  Elementary ideas of CP and CPT invariance,  SU(2), SU(3) multiplets, Quark model.
  Electrostatic accelerators, cyclotron accelerators, synchrotrons, linear
accelerators, colliding beam accelerators. 
  Trace Element Analysis, Rutherford Back-scattering, Mass spectrometry with accelerators, Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine, Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine.
Nuclear Physics by D.C.Tayal, Himalaya publishing Co.,
Introductory Nuclear Physics   Kenneth S. Krane
 Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Nuclear Physics by   Harald A.Enge
2. Concepts of Nuclear Physics  by   Bernard L.Cohen.
3. Introduction to High Energy physics  by  D.H. Perkins
4. Introduction to Elementary Particles by  D. Griffiths
5. Nuclear Physics  by S.B.Patel, Wiley Eastern Ltd.,
6.Fundamentals of Nuclear Physics by B.B. Srivastava , Rastogi Pub,. Meerut.
NOTE : Question paper contains 5 questions. FOUR questions with internal choice have to be set from each unit. The 5thquestion has 4 short answers question covering units I to IV and any two be answered.

M.Sc., Physics(III Semester)

Paper-II Advanced Quantum Mechanics     

Relativistic quantum mechanics:
Unit - I
Klien –Gordan  equation –continuity equation (probability and Current density) -  Klien –Gordan  equation in presence of electromagnetic field – Dirac equation (for a free particle) - probability and Current density – constants of motion - Dirac equation in  presence of electromagnetic fields

Unit - II
 Hydrogen atom – Covariant notation – Covariance of Dirac equation  - Invariance of Dirac equation under Lorenz transformation – Pure rotation and  Lorenz transformation.  Charge conjugation – Hole theory and   Charge conjugation – projection Operators for energy and spin -  bilinear covariant – Dirac equation for   Zero mass and spin ½ particles.

Filed  Quantization:
Unit - III
                        Introduction for  quantization of fields – Concept of field Hamiltonian formulation of classical field – real scalar field Schrodinger  field – Dirac field – Maxwell’s field – Quantum equation of the field – quantization of real scalar field and second quantization – Quantization of complex scalar field – Quantization of schrodinger field -  quantization of Dirac field.  

Unit - III
The Hamiltonian in the radiation field – The interaction term in the semi classical theory of radiation – quantization of radiation field .
Covariant perturbation theory, S-matrix expansion in the interaction picture, Feynman diagrams and Feynman rules for Q.E.D.  Thompson scattering, Compton scattering and Miller scattering.  A brief introduction to charge and mass renormalization, Bethe’s treatment of Lamb shift.

1.                 Advanced Quantum Mechanics                                  J. Sakurai
2.        Relativistic Quantum Fields. Vols. I & II                   Bjorken and Drell
3.        Quantum Field Theory                                      Mandl
4.        Particles and Fields                                                         Lurie
5.        Quantum Theory of Fields. Vols. I & II                     Weinberg

NOTE : Question paper contains 5 questions. FOUR questions with internal choice have to be set from each unit. The 5thquestion has 4 short answers question covering units I to IV and any two be answered.

M.Sc. Physics (III Semester)

Paper III: Condensed Matter Physics -1    

 1 Defects: Properties of metallic lattices and simple alloys:   The structure of metals –classification of lattice defects. Configurational -entropy –The number of vacancies and interstitial as function of temperature –The formation of lattice defects in metals .  Lattice defect in ionic crystals and estimation of concentration of defects in ionic crystals. Edge and screw dislocation The Frank read mechanism of dislocation multiplication.            
 Optical Properties:
Optical and thermal electronic excitation in ionic crystals, The  ultraviolet spectrum of the alkali halides; excitons, Illustration of electron-hole interaction in single ions, Qualitative discussion of the influence of lattice defects on the electronic levels, Non stoichiometric crystals containing excess metal, The transformation of F centers into F1  centers and viceversa, Photoconductivity in crystals containing excess metal, The photoelectric effect in alkali halides, Coagulation of F centers and colloids, Color centers resulting from excess halogen, Color centers produced by irradiation with X-rays.

Luminescence General remarks, Excitation and emission , Decay mechanisms, Thallium-activated alkali halids, The sulfide phosphors, Electroluminescence.

Lattice Vibrations and Thermal Properties
Elastic waves in one dimensional array of identical atoms. Vibrational modes of a diatomic linear lattice and dispersion relations. Acoustic and optical modes. Infrared absorption in ionic crystals. Phonons and verification of dispersion relation in crystal lattices.
 Lattice heat capacity – Einstein and Debye theories. Lattice thermal conductivity- Phonon mean free path .  Origin of thermal expansion and Gruneisen relation.
UNIT IV: Magnetic Properties of Solids
Quantum theory of Para magnetism, Crystal Field Splitting, Quenching of the orbital Angular Momentum Ferromagnetism  Curie point and the Exchange integral, Saturation Magnetization at Absolute Zero, Magnons, Bloch’s T3/2 law. Ferromagnetic Domains. Antiferromagnetism The two-sublattice model, Superexchage interaction Ferrimagnetism The structure of ferrites,   The saturation magnetization, Elements  of Neel’s theory.
(Solid State Physics by  C.Kittel Chapters 14 and 15)
Text and Reference Books
1. Madelng  : Introduction to Solid State theory
2. Callaway: Quantum theory of solid state
3. A.J.Dekker: Solid state physics
4. C.Kittel :Solid State Physics
5. Solid State Physics S.O.Pillai New Age International

NOTE : Question paper contains 5 questions. FOUR questions with internal choice have to be set from each unit. The 5thquestion has 4 short answers question covering units I to IV and any two be answered.

M.Sc. Physics (III Semester)

Paper IV: Condensed Matter Physics -II   

UNIT- I  Elements of group theory
Introduction to crystallographic point groups, the five platonic solids, procedure for symmetry classification of molecules, class , matrix notation for geometrical transformations, matrix  representation of point groups , reducible and irreducible representations, great orthoganality theorem  and its consequences, Character tables for C2V and C3V point groups, Mullikan symbolism, Symmetry species.

Unit II: Elements of Ligand field theory Electronic spectra
Concept of ligand field  and crystal field.  Free ion configurations- terms and states. Derivation of free ion terms for d1 and d2 configuration. Energy ordering of terms- Hund’s rules. Strength of crystal fields, Crystal field potentials for Oh and Td fields. Meaning of Dq. Construction of ligand field energy level diagrams- effect of weak crystal fields on terms. Splitting due to lower symmetries Electronic spectra of d1 and d9  systems.T-S Diagrams

Electrical Properties of Solids

Unit-III Dielectrics
Macroscopic description of the static dielectric constant , The static electronic and ionic polarizabilities of molecules , Orientational Polarization, The static dielectric constant of gases. The internal field according to Lorentz, The static dielectric constant of solids, Clasius -Mosetti equation The complex dielectric constant and dielectric losses, Dielectric losses and relaxation time, Cole-Cole diagrams.The classical theory of electronic polarization  and optical absorbtion.

Unit IV Ferroelectrics
            General properties of ferroelectric materials.  Classification and properties of representative ferroelectrics, the dipole theory of ferroelectricity, objections against the dipole theory, Ionic displacements and the behaviour of  BaTiO3   above the curie temperature, the theory of spontaneous polarization of BaTiO3  .  Thermodynamics of ferroelectric transitions, Ferroelectric domains.
Text Books:
1.                     Chemical applications of group theory                 –  F.A. Cotton
2.                 Spectroscopy of molecules                                            -  Veera Reddy
3.                 Solid State Physics by A.J.Dekker (Macmillan)
4.                 Solid State Physics by C.Kittel

NOTE : Question paper contains 5 questions. FOUR questions with internal choice have to be set from each unit. The 5thquestion has 4 short answers question covering units I to IV and any two be answered.

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