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Thursday, April 14, 2011




Beginning of nuclear sciences:
α,β,γ- radiations; Transformation Hypothesis, Radioactive Decay Law, Radioactive Equilibrium, Natural Radioactive elements, Artificial radioactive elements.

Nuclear properties:
Discovery of the nucleus, Nomenclature and classification of nuclides, Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones, Isomers, Nuclear properties, Nuclear mass and binding energy, Nuclear radius and density, Nuclear force, Nuclear potential, Quantum numbers and nuclear spin, Parity, Magnetic moments, Quadruple moments, Statistics, Nuclear stability, Separation energy of the last nucleon

Nuclear models:
Liquid drop model, Semi-empirical mass formula, Applications of the semi-empirical mass formula, Nuclear shell model, Shell model potential, Shell model states, Spin-orbit interaction, Ground states of Nuclei, Nuclear spin, Nuclear isomerism,

α-decay, β-decay ,γ- decay, kinetics of radioactivity decay, half life, Statistical aspects of radioactivity, Growth of radioactive products, Radioactivity equilibria, Nuclear Decay Processes

Interaction of radiation with matter:
Stopping power, range, Absorption, Attenuation, Photoelectric effect, Compton effect, Pair production, Neutrons

Radiation Detectors:
Gas filled detectors, Ionization, proportional & GM counters; Scintillation detectors, Semi-conductor detectors, Ge(Li) and Si (Li), Features of detectors: counting curves, plateaus, energy resolution, dead time and detector efficiency, Fundamentals of nuclear electronics, pulse height analyzer

Nuclear reactions:
Notation, conservation, energetics of nuclear reactions, reaction cross section, angular momentum, types of reactions,

Nuclear fission and reactors:
Fission process, energy liberation in fission, fission cross section, mass distribution, basic features of a nuclear reactor, materials on nuclear reactors, research reactors, power reactors, conversion and breeding

Particle accelerators:
Cockroft Walton accelerator, Van de graph generator, Tandem accelerators, Pelletron accelerators, Linear accelerators, Cyclotron
Radio analytical techniques and applications:
Tracers, Neutron activation analysis (NAA), Sensitivity and detection limit, standardization methods in NAA, advantages and limitation of NAA, X-ray fluorescence and applications, PIXE

Applications of radioisotopes:
Applications in: agriculture, industry, health care and biology


The Atomic Nucleus by R.D.Ewans, TMH, 1978
Nuclear Physics by I.Kaplan, Addision Wesley, 1963
Source book on atomic energy by S.Glasstone, Affiliated East West Press Pvt Ltd., 1967
Radiation detection and measurement by G.F.Knoll, Johen Wiley & Sons, 1979


Structure of solids:
Crystal structure, lattice planes and directions, defects in solids, point line and plane defects,

Preparation of materials:
Mechanism of crystal growth, growth for melt and non-melt techniques, thin films, non-crystalline materials, amorphous semi conductors, plastic materials

Determination of structure:
X-ray diffraction, the Laue technique, applications of XRD, neutron diffraction, electron diffraction, structure of amorphous materials.

Mechanical and thermal properties of materials:
Elastic behaviour, plastic behaviour, fracture, creep, heat capacity, thermal expansion, thermoelectricity, Seebeck effect, Thompson effect, Peltier effect

Electrical and magnetic properties of materials:
Metals, semiconductors, transition metal compounds, magnetic semi conductors, Dia, para and ferro magnetism, magnetic anisotropy, magnetostriction , ferromagnetic domains, applications of ferro magnetic materials, magnetic ceramics, applications of ferri magnetic materials

Microscopic description of the static dielectric constant, the static electronic and ionic prolarisabilities of molecules, orientational polarization, the static dielectric constants of gases, the internal field according to Lorentz, the static dielectric constant of solids, the complex dielectric constant and dielectric losses and relaxation time.

Optical properties of materials:
Refractive index, birefringence, dispersion; absorption, ionic materials, semiconductors, metals, colour centres, double refraction, induced birefringence, photoelectric emission, photoconductivity, photoluminescence, lasers, solid state, gas and semi conductors


Physical properties of materials by M.C.Lovell, A.J.Avery, M.W.Vernon, ELBS, 1984
Materials science and engineering by V.Raghavan, PHI, 2007
Solid State Physics by C.Kittel, Wiley, India, 2004

Electromagnetic theory and Modern optics important questions

Electromagnetic theory and Modern optics
Questions List:
1.     Explain the characteristics of lasers
2.     Deduce the relationship between the Einstein coefficients of spontaneous and stimulated emission from a consideration of the Planck’s radiation formula.
3.     Derive an expression for population inversion density in a four level laser system and hence explain the life time of the lower lasing level.
4.     What are the various line broadening mechanisms? Obtain expressions for FWHM for all these mechanisms

5.     Discuss the principle and working of a Helium-neon laser.
6.     Explain the term population inversion in lasers and mention why it is necessary for laser action.With a neat diagram, explain the construction and working principle of a Ruby laser
7.     Using an energy level diagram explain the mechanism and structure of a Dye laser.
8.     What are the features of a semiconductor laser? Obtain an expression for the laser action.
9.     Explain the construction and working of CO2 laser.
10.  Obtain the expression for producing population inversion by phonon excitation taking an example of solid state laser.

11.  Explain principle of Holography and method of obtaining a hologram along with its characteristics.
12.  Discuss the theory of holography. What are the characteristics of the holograms?
13.  Describe the applications of holography to interferometry and optical memories.
14.  Discuss the applications of holography.
15.  What is a hologram? Give by simple theory, the recording and reconstruction of information on a hologram. What are the specific advantages of an image formed holographic ally?

16.  Discuss the propagation of meridional ray through an optical fiber.(Ray optics representation)
17.  Explain the mode theory for circular wave guides.
18.  Explain the structure and advantage of step index fiber. Explain the signal degradation in optical fibers.
19.  Explain Signal distortion in optical waveguides.

20.  Einstein coefficients.
21.  Directionality of laser
22.  Relation between the coherence of the field and the size of the source for laser action.
23.  Amplification of a medium.
24.  Optical resonator
25.  Three level laser
26.  Applications of lasers
27.  Homogeneous line broadening
28.  Optical memories
29.  Hologram recording materials
30.  Types holograms
31.  TIR
32.  Wave Representation
33.  Numerical aperture in graded index fiber.
34.  Numerical aperture and its significance
35.  Information capacity of optical fibers
36.  Optical fiber materials

Physics is enjoyable”

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Fourth Semester
Time: Three hours                                                                                               Maximum: 80 marks
Answer ALL questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1.                 (a) Discuss different types of engineering materials based on their 
                   structure and bonding.
           (b) Discuss the properties of metal-polymer composites.

            (c) Discuss the phase diagrams of a binary system of
                                    (i)  Complete solid solution.
                                    (ii)  Incomplete solid solution.
            (d) Discuss preparation and properties of metallic glasses.

2.                 (a) Explain what is transition. Briefly discuss the relevant theory.
            (b) Discuss the factors which affect glass transition temperature.
            (c) Give example of glass forming systems and explain how the case of  
                   glass formation is determined.
            (d) Describe some interesting applications of glasses.
3.                 (a) When is a material called bio-compatible?
            (b) Discuss some important materials for bio-logical applications.
            (c) Discuss the application of carbon and polymers as important materials.
            (d) Discuss what are soft tissue replacement implants and their advantages
                   and disadvantages.
4.                 (a) Discuss classification of liquid crystals based a molecular orientation.
            (b) Describe some applications of liquid crystals.
            (c) Distinguish between quantum dots, quantum wines and quantum wells.
            (d) Discuss a few methods used for the preparation of nano-materials.
5.                 Write short notes on any TWO of the following:
a)    Different semi-conductor materials.
b)    Methods of preparation of glasses.
c)     Hydroxy apatite glass ceramics.
d)   Characterization methods for nano materials.